Mabon Blessings

Mabon Blessings, Autumn Equinox, Mabon Wreath, Autumn Wreath

Hello October!

I've made this natural wreath with heather and stems of withered ivy for this autumn. Hope you like it! 🍂
The season of the witch has arrived! 🎃


¡Hola octubre!

He hecho esta guirnalda natural con brezo y tallos de hiedra marchita para este otoño ¡Espero que os guste! 🍂
¡El mes de las brujas ya está aquí! 🎃

Handmade Mabon Wreath, Autumn Wreath, Mabon Blessings, Autumn Equinox
*Handmade Mabon Wreath

Enjoying the Autumn Mist, Witch Boots, Misty Forest, Victorian Boots, 19th century boots, Mandragoreae by Victoria Francés
*Enjoying the Autumn Mist