Obras Espiritistas ~ Allan Kardec

Spiritists Works ~ Allan Kardec

A few years ago, I read the two most representative works of Allan Kardec , considered the father and decoder of the Spiritism. These were "The Spirits' Book" and "The Mediums' Book". At that time I felt drawn to everything related to mediumship and the rise of the spiritism during the 19th century... And even though both books were at first really dense to me and some aspects of this doctrine don't resonate completely with me, I do remember that these readings changed my way of seeing and perceiving life.

After some time, I started with the other three books contained in this volume, and I've recently finished the last one... Well, when I'm very much interested in the subject matter of a book, I'm utterly incapable of not finish it, even if they are different books collected into a single volume.

For those who are interested in the subject, I particularly recommend the first two books. The edition shown in the photos is from the late 19th century and early 20th century and contains all the published works of A. Kardec.

*Tiny letters! 🔍

Obras Espiritistas ~ Allan Kardec
*Spiritists Works, by Allan Kardec


Hace unos años leí las dos obras más representativas de Allan Kardec, considerado el padre y decodificador del espiritismo. Estas fueron "El libro de los espíritus" y "El libro de los médiums". Por aquel entonces me sentía muy atraída hacia todo lo relacionado con la mediumnidad y el auge de la doctrina espírita del siglo XIX... Y a pesar de que al principio ambos libros me resultaron bastantes densos y algunos aspectos de dicha doctrina no vibraban del todo conmigo, sí que recuerdo que cambiaron mi modo de ver y percibir la vida.

Pasado un tiempo empecé con las demás obras contenidas en este volumen y recientemente he terminado la última... En fin, soy incapaz de no terminar un libro cuando la temática me apasiona de verdad, aunque sean diferentes obras recogidas en un solo tomo.

Para aquellos a los que les interese la materia, recomiendo sobre todo las dos primeras obras. La edición que muestro en las fotos es de finales del XIX y principios del XX y recopila todas las obras de A. Kardec.

*Letra diminuta! 🔍

Spiritists Works by Allan Kardec
*Spiritists Works / Obras Espiritistas
Allan Kardec

Introduction Detail - Spiritists Works
*Introduction detail

The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec
*The Spirits' Book

The Mediums' Book by Allan Kardec
*The Mediums' Book

The Gospel According to Spiritism by Allan Kardec
*The Gospel According to Spiritism

Genesis According to Spiritism by Allan Kardec
*Genesis, The Miracles and The Predictions According to Spiritism

Heaven and Hell According to Spiritism by Allan Kardec
*Heaven and Hell or The Divine Justice According to Spiritism

Posthumous Works of Allan Kardec
*Posthumous Works of Allan Kardec