Datura Inoxia

Datura Innoxia, Sacred Datura, Pricklyburr, Indian-apple, Downy thorn-apple, Moonflower, Recurved thorn-apple

Datura Innoxia ready to bloom during the evening... 🌕

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Datura Inoxia preparada para abrir sus flores en horas vespertinas...  🌕

Datura Innoxia, Sacred Datura, Pricklyburr, Indian-apple, Downy thorn-apple, Moonflower, Recurved thorn-apple
*Sacred Datura ready to bloom at dusk...

"If you would poison your mind
with the bitter herb of self-hate,
nothing can save you:
not the lover who comes in the night
smelling of pitch & brimstone,
not the husband who comes in the light
smelling of hay & the golden turds of mares,
not the mother with her poisoned apple,
not the daughter with her wreaths of roses & opium poppies,
not the sister with her rosemary & rue
nor the brother with the mandrake root.

Datura Innoxia, Sacred Datura, Pricklyburr, Indian-apple, Downy thorn-apple, Moonflower, Recurved thorn-apple

Having driven out the demons of the past
we find them now within.
No witches burn in the market
but our minds revolve upon their own spits;
no crucifixion upon Calvary
but a daily torture in the hills of the skull,
no smell of burning female flesh upon the heath,
but the acrid odor of the heart slowly smoldering.

Datura Inoxia, Sacred Datura, Pricklyburr, Indian-apple, Downy thorn-apple, Moonflower, Recurved thorn-apple
*Indian-apple, Datura Inoxia

What witchcraft will it take
to bend this world to our will?
Must we burn poisonous herbs
to kill the poisons in the streams?
Must we wear poultices of Henbane
& Deadly Nightshade
against the very air?

Datura Inoxia, Sacred Datura, Pricklyburr, Indian-apple, Downy thorn-apple, Moonflower, Recurved thorn-apple
*Datura Inoxia flower opening slowly...

O take this garlic rosary,
this token of death’s breath,
this possessed vegetable,
this bulb of dried desire.
I am sick of haunting myself
from within
like an old house.
I would be happier
as a hunted witch."

Bitter Herb - Erica Jong

Datura Inoxia, Sacred Datura, Pricklyburr, Indian-apple, Downy thorn-apple, Moonflower, Recurved thorn-apple
*Datura Inoxia, Moonflower

Datura Inoxia, Sacred Datura, Pricklyburr, Indian-apple, Downy thorn-apple, Moonflower, Recurved thorn-apple

Datura Inoxia, Sacred Datura, Pricklyburr, Indian-apple, Downy thorn-apple, Moonflower, Recurved thorn-apple

Datura Inoxia, Sacred Datura, Pricklyburr, Indian-apple, Downy thorn-apple, Moonflower, Recurved thorn-apple